
How to Make Money Recycling: 14 Companies that Will Pay You for Your Trash

Posted by on May 19, 2016 in blog | 0 comments

How to Make Money Recycling: 14 Companies that Will Pay You for Your Trash

The world generates about 2.6 trillion tons of garbage a year. Yes, you read that right – 2 trillion tons of garbage, folks. And a large percentage of that winds up in landfills, waterways and who knows where else. Only about 1% of that waste makes its way to recycling facilities. If you make the effort to recycle, we salute you – you really are making a difference whether you realize it or not. But if saving the world isn’t reason enough to start recycling, maybe the possibility of turning your trash into cash is. We’re not talking about collecting aluminum cans and trading them in for...

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Are You a Craft Hoarder? These 6 Signs Can Tell You

Posted by on May 19, 2016 in blog | 0 comments

Are You a Craft Hoarder? These 6 Signs Can Tell You

Honey, you’re becoming a hoarder. This is a statement that everyone – even those that know with 100% certainty that they don’t have a hoarding problem – should take seriously. The issue with hoarders is that they never think they have a hoarding problem. Are you a craft hoarder? No way. One more decorative pot added to the corner won’t hurt. Right? And then you’ll want more and more until eventually someone steps in and says “you have a problem.” Or, they gasp when they see your crafting room – and it isn’t because it is filled with your one-of-a-kind creations. There are several signs...

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